Explore Sweden Culture

Sweden History & Geography

Map of Sweden divided in 3From the fierce warriors who traversed the seas during the Viking Age to the mighty Swedish Empire of the 17th century, Sweden’s story is one of resilience and ambition. Over the centuries, this Nordic land has evolved from a collection of warring tribes to a beacon of social progress, boasting achievements in education, social welfare, and gender equality. From the legacy of Gustavus Adolphus to the modern innovations of companies like IKEA and Spotify, Sweden’s history is not only a testament to its past but also a roadmap for its future.

Sweden’s geography is as diverse as it is impressive, offering captivating landscapes ranging from lush forests to glittering coastlines and towering mountains. Located in northern Europe, it shares borders with Norway to the west and Finland to the east. While the Baltic Sea stretches along its eastern coast. The country is characterized by extensive forests, which cover more than half of the country’s land area.

In the north, you’ll find vast expanses of tundra, dotted with crystal-clear lakes and snow-capped peaks, giving us those beautiful northern lights. Along the southern coast, you’ll find picturesque archipelagos with thousands of islands. And also, charming cities such as Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö, which combine modernity and historic charm. 

Sweden’s geography not only shapes its breathtaking landscapes, but also influences its culture, economy and way of life. Making it a land of endless discovery and wonder.

Sweden Gastronomy

Explore the flavors and traditions of Sweden’s gastronomy. From the shores of the Baltic Sea to the forests of the north, Swedish cuisine reflects the country’s rich cultural heritage and its deep connection to nature. As their dishes are a mixture of land and sea. Prepare your senses to be delighted by their incredible flavors and discover the true essence of Swedish gastronomy.  Here are some traditional dishes:

1.. Köttbullar: These are the well known Swedish meatballs, made with minced beef and pork seasoned with pepper and nutmeg. Traditionally served with cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes.


2.. Gravad lax: This is salmon marinated in a mixture of sugar, salt and dill, which is cut into thin slices. Also known as cured salmon. Along with the smoked salmon, they are one of the most popular dishes in the Swedish Smorgasbord.

Gravad lax

3.. Smorgasbord: It is sort of a buffet that offers a variety of food and dishes, such as hors d’oeuvres, smoked fish, cold and hot meats, pâtés, cheeses, breads, relishes and salads. A very popular way of eating on special occasions.


4.. Semla: This is a cardamom bun filled with whipped cream and almond paste. Traditionally served on “Fettisdagen” (Shrove Tuesday,or Fat Tuesday ) in Sweden.


5.. Kanelbullar: These are the authentic and traditional Swedish cinnamon rolls.

Cinamom Buns


As we delve into the heart of Sweden, we turn our attention to some of the most cherished traditions that Swedish culture have over the centuries. From festive celebrations to ancient rituals, these traditions offer a glimpse into the soul of this Nordic nation. Prepare to immerse yourself in its traditions, where the old blends with the new and each ritual carries with it a sense of history and community.

  1. Midsommar: One of the most important festivities in Sweden. It celebrated during the summer solstice, around the end of June. The people gather together around a maypole decorated with leaves and flowers, they dance and enjoy traditional foods.Group of people celebrating midsommar
  2. Lucia: Saint Lucia’s Day celebrated on 13 December. Today they chose a girl to represent Lucia, dressed in a white tunic and a crown of candles. This girl leads a procession of boys and girls to a place where they form a choir and sing various Christmas songs.Coro del dia de Santa Lucia
  3. Kräftskiva: It consists of a crayfish feast where people gather to enjoy this delicacy. Also accompanied by other dishes such as bread, cheese, and aquavit, a typical alcoholic drink.


Sweden and Eurovision

EUROVISION logo with the sweden flag

Eurovision has been a significant part of Sweden’s cultural landscape since its debut in 1958. With a record-breaking number of wins – 6 in total.  Sweden has cemented its status as a powerhouse in the Eurovision Song Contest. From ABBA’s iconic victory in 1974 with “Waterloo” to Loreen’s triumph with “Euphoria” in 2012. Not forgetting her comeback with “Tattoo” winning for the second time in 2023. Swedish artists have consistently dazzled audiences with their musical talent and innovative performances. Beyond the wins, Sweden has also hosted the contest multiple times, showcasing its ability to organize spectacular and memorable events. Eurovision has not only provided a platform for Swedish artists to shine but has also united fans across the country, celebrating diversity, creativity, and the joy of music on a global stage.

Hope you learn a little bit more about this incredible country!!!

If you want to know what to visit in Sweden stay tuned in the next post we’ll show you 25 things to see.