The Ultimate Travel Guide to London

london view

The Best Things To Do & See in London!     London: the heart and soul of the UK is a vibrant and eclectic city with plenty to offer every visitor. Historically important and culturally diverse, modern-day London is a hub of famous landmarks, iconic buildings, and innovative attractions on every level. From the hipster … Read more

48 hours in New York, an insider guide to the Big Apple

Statue of liberty with clouds

48 hours in New York Unmissable big city bustle in one of the world’s greatest urban landscapes American author E.B. White once quipped about this city of eight million inhabitants: “New York provides not only a continuing excitation but also a spectacle that is continuing.” And while he may have said this nearly a century … Read more

Why Sailing the Seas Can Help You Relax

sailing a boat

Sailing was once thought of only as a pursuit of the wealthy or privileged. Bobbing up and down on the waves, learning to navigate, tack and control the boat and feeling the sun on your face. It seemed that all these things were only possible if you owned your own yacht or kept a second … Read more