5 Things to do in Los Angeles

Street in LA

Everyone wants to visit Los Angeles. It’s a place where dreams come true. Unfortunately, it’s also a place where dreams fail. It’s not that easy to get noticed in Los Angeles. The good news for a traveler who doesn’t live in the area is that you only get to enjoy the great aspects of the … Read more

There’s More to Devon than Cows

Devon Town

Far too often people think of Devon and instantly assume it’s a county full of farms, cows and tractors. They can be forgiven for this when much of what people see is through shows like ‘Down to Earth’ and the numerous outings of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, and it certainly isn’t helped by the fact that Devon … Read more

5 Festivals to Attend in Thailand

travel thailand festivals

Thailand, known officially as the Kingdom of Thailand and formerly as Siam, is a land of colorful festivals. While some are well-known to tourists, others are not found in travel guide books. Here are five festivals to attend in Thailand that make travel to Southeast Asia enjoyable and memorable. Loi Krathrong Day Loi (or Loy) … Read more