The Ultimate Travel Guide to London

london view

The Best Things To Do & See in London!     London: the heart and soul of the UK is a vibrant and eclectic city with plenty to offer every visitor. Historically important and culturally diverse, modern-day London is a hub of famous landmarks, iconic buildings, and innovative attractions on every level. From the hipster … Read more

Switzerland Travel Guide

Paisaje nevado con la bandera de Switzerland

One of the most expensive countries in Europe, Switzerland is often skipped over by budget travelers. Visiting Switzerland is not cheaper. Before you even get out of the train station/airport, you’ll begin to wonder “how the heck did I spend so much money already?!” Even when I was backpacking Switzerland, I found myself constantly trying … Read more

Touring the Dark World

Thanatourism catacombs

  Owing to the growing rates of natural disasters and changing life styles of people, a lot of new concepts are seeing daylight these days. Moreover, people do not flinch anymore to show their inclination towards such things these days, and on the contrary, they provide their active participation. No we are not talking about … Read more

Spending Easter holidays in Kent

easter holidays kent

For a lot of people Easter marks the real arrival of spring. It puts everyone in a great mood because they know they have some warm and fresh months ahead. And, it’s never a bad thing to have a great excuse to indulge in as much chocolate as possible. Another reason why people look forward … Read more